About Pan Spatial

Pan Spatial spawned in 1989, as a fictional brand I added to an illustration of a fictional aircraft, alluding to a potential technical backstory and new functional purpose of the vehicle.

‘Pan Spatial’ became a driving point-of-view and catalyst for infusing a hefty portion of both technical realism and creativity into every technical design I created.

The very first "Pan Spatial" branded concept vehicle: a pen and marker on paper artwork of a single-seat, midwing aircraft, powered by two propellers that emerge through the fuselage, attached to shaft running through the fuselage center. PAN SPATIAL prominently titles the image, which is signed "02 • 89 Alfaro"

The very first Pan Spatial concept vehicle. 1989, 11″ x 14″,  pen and marker on paper.

Over time, as I gained real-world aviation experience, the exercise of leveraging realism and fiction proved valuable for knowing what to fuse together – and what to leave out – for a range of fictional and non-fiction efforts

In 2015, I started doing business as ‘Pan Spatial Aerospace Concept Design’ because it represents a unique and valuable capability I can stand behind and continue to improve.

6-box of photos of Tom Alfaro

As a multidisciplinary military veteran and industrial designer, Tom Alfaro combines his aviation experience, technical knowledge, and design skills to create science fiction vehicles you can believe.

In addition to the Portfolio and Solutions pages, learn more about Tom Alfaro and Pan Spatial at:

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ArtStation: Pan Spatial

Concept art and design produced by Tom Alfaro, curated within a vibrant community of other excellent artists primarily in the gaming and entertainment industry

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LinkedIn: Tom Alfaro

Professional aviation, military, and industrial design experience

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Youtube: Pan Spatial

Multimedia presentations of Pan Spatial vehicles, with commentary and interactivity with gaming and science fiction enthusiasts