
Variable Geometry
CAS Aircraft/Rotorcraft

Three Pan Spatial Dragonwing aircraft fly at low altitude over a clearing in wooded terrain. The trailing Dragonwing is in forward flight configuration with rotors retracted and wings deployed; the middle aircraft is in transition, wings half folded and rotors deploying underneath; and the aircraft in the foreground is in full rotorcraft configuration.
Two Pan Spatial Dragonwings in rotorcraft configuration fly low over a cargo ship filled with containers. In the near background, two more Dragonwings in fixed-wing formation fly overhead.

Slash & Dash with Dragonwing


Fly high or low, fast or slow to get in, stir up a ruckus, and get out quickly once you’ve de-targeted the operating area.

Pan Spatial Dragonwing is available in Modern Warships, the mobile and PC game from Artstorm and Gaijin Entertainment.

Review of Pan Spatial Dragonwing gameplay in Modern Warships by Cakrabirawa Ch.

Dragonwing Features

  • Variable-geometry aircraft/rotorcraft with radical design features
  • Turbine engines generate substantial electric power in addition to rearward thrust
  • For vertical flight, electrically-powered, short-radius dual rotors deploy beneath the aircraft for vertical flight
  • For forward flight, fixed wings deploy forward while rotors fold to aft, maintaining balanced weight distribution throughout
  • Gimbaled weapon mounts keep armaments on target in either configuration, and permit upward firing in hover flight.

Designer’s Notes

Portrait of Tom Alfaro in a small private aircraft. He is wearing aviator sunglasses and a flight comm headset.

Pan Spatial Designer
Tom Alfaro

First published in 2016, Dragonwing is an extreme exercise in variable geometry integration, in a fictional concept design.

The final design is deliberately unrealistic, but a stimulating design for the creator (and, I hope, the audience!). Overall, I am surprised how many people perceive it as an actual integrated design intended for production.

However, the final design and realistic details also demonstrate a dead-serious commitment to the exercise of system integration – so I am not surprised to see (8 years later) many specific features start to emerge individually on IRL aircraft – including dual-axis transitioning wing, and large scale folding rotors.


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